Hong Kong On Screen Fiscal Sponsorship 銀幕·香港融資援助計劃 #001

Hail, A Taxi Home《過海的》

Story 故事大綱

Against the erosion of local culture in Hong Kong, a Hong Konger filmmaker questions why a 1.5-generation Hongkonger-American has made it his mission to spread their hometown’s culture by building the only operational Hong Kong taxi in the United States.


Fundraising goal: $9,700

Brought to you by the team behind “Anywhere the Wind Blows”

Director’s Statement 導演的話

The official genesis of “Hail, A Taxi Home” may be a collaboration with Joe last year, but its deep-seated roots were planted longer ago. Post-2019, I considered myself an international student in the U.S., not a migrant; I’ve never had to apply for any new visa or citizenship scheme. But as I slowly decided to stay in the Anglosphere after graduating, I realised, whether I intended it or not, I was part of the newly formed global Hong Konger diaspora.

And I slowly picked up on the gulf emerging between the diaspora and those who stayed. When I was trying my best to preserve and spread Hong Kong culture overseas with my other diasporic friends, people in Hong Kong were becoming disillusioned. That is not to say that they’ve forgotten about politics, but that they are preoccupied with paying their bills under increasingly difficult conditions. I felt the differences most during conversations with my friends and family, when politics have become a topic non grata. So I decided to explore these complicated emotions in the only way I know how – by making a film. And I realised I had the perfect vessel for that in Joe’s car.

During production, I thought I was making a film about culture, not geopolitics. But in the edit, politics somehow found their way back. I realised that I, or we as Hong Kongers, am nowhere near done with processing the trauma of 2019 and its aftermath. So this film is another chapter in my continued series of unpacking that trauma and seeking solace through sharing.

This is also my first serious foray into documentary filmmaking. I knew I was going to be a part of the film, but I never expected myself to essentially become a co-protagonist. It took many edits to figure out the structure of the film, but that made the end result all the more rewarding. Throw away all the heavy politics and existential questioning, there lies a story of friendship, catching me by total surprise. Even if one doesn’t fully understand the political context, friendship is universal and travels 8,000 miles.





Donation Tiers and Perks 捐款等級與禮品

  • Digital Copy 數碼檔案

    You will receive a digital copy of the finished film that belongs to you. 你會獲得專屬你的電影數碼檔案。


  • Social Media Shout-out 社交媒體致謝

    We will thank you for your donation on our Instagram page. Please specify your desired name at checkout (or note if anonymous). Plus all of the above. 我們會在電影官方 Instagram 上向你致謝。請在捐款時標上名稱(或注明匿名)。亦包括以上禮品。


  • “Special Thanks to” Credit 片尾特別鳴謝

    We will thank you in the end credits of the film. Please specify your desired name at checkout (or note if anonymous). Plus all of the above! 我們會在片尾字幕中向你致謝。請在捐款時標上名稱(或注明匿名)。亦包括以上禮品。


  • Deleted Scenes 刪減片段

    Get an exclusive look at deleted scenes, plus all of the above!



  • Thank You Video 特別鳴謝片段

    We will thank you in a video personalized for you! Plus all of the above. 我們會為你特製一條感謝影片!亦包括以上禮品。


  • Meet the Director 與導演會面

    We will set up an online or in-person chat with you and the director! Plus all of the above. 我們會為你安排以視像通話或親身與導演會面。亦包括以上禮品。


  • “Executive Producer” credit, plus all of the above.



Fundraising Goal and Budget 眾籌目標與預算

Sound Design and Mix: As a team of narrative storytellers, we see little difference between narrative and documentary filmmaking. We intend to use sound as an important device to illustrate the bridge and the differences between Hong Kong and America. We also have a lot of interviews and materials recorded from different sources, which need proper processing. To screen the film in theatres as required by most film festivals, we will need to rent a mix stage for surround sound mixing. All of this means the sound work for this film is considerable and worth the price.

Music: Just like narrative filmmaking, a lot of documentary filmmaking relies heavily on music to craft the emotion and mood. Therefore, music will be used sparingly but critically in lengthy passages of the film. We intend to hire a world-class instrumentalist to perform certain sections of the score, ensuring utmost authenticity and human emotion.

Archival Footage: An important factor in most documentary filmmaking is archival footage, and licensing archival footage is often prohibitively costly, even to indie filmmaking. We are licensing a few important clips of Hong Kong history, and to future-proof our film, we are purchasing unrestricted commercial licenses. This means the costs are hefty, even if only for a few seconds of material.

Graphic Design: Another important element in documentary filmmaking that can be overlooked is motion graphic design. A lot of documentaries rely on motion graphics to communicate important background information, and our film is no different. The detailed animations will elevate our film and tell our story better. The budget for graphic design will include the fees for poster design as well, which is another critical component in maximising visibility for our film.

Film Festivals: Very few people know about the massive hidden costs of the film festival industry and the burden these fees place on independent filmmakers. To gain exposure for our films, independent filmmakers must pay hefty submission fees to hundreds of film festivals, only for a slim chance of getting selected. We aim to arm ourselves with a lofty film festival submission budget, to ensure this Hong Kong story gets told worldwide.

Crew Reimbursement: As recent film school graduates, most of our crew have worked on this film for free. But just because we are young fresh graduates making a passion project, it doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be paid. The considerable portion of the budget directed to crew reimbursement will ensure the crew gets paid at Californian minimum wage levels for the hours they put on this production.







Timeline and Current Progress

The production and editing of “Hail, A Taxi Home” are already complete. We are looking for funds to put on the finishing touches and reimburse previous expenses. The current progress of the film shows our commitment to finishing the film and showing it worldwide.

We aim to begin festivals submissions at the end of 2024 and premiere at a film festival in spring 2025.



Team 團隊

Thank you!

Please follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/hailataxihome

Feel free to reach out to us through email at jayliufilms@gmail.com

請關注我們的 Instagram: instagram.com/hailataxihome

如有任何查詢或意見,請隨便發送電郵至 jayliufilms@gmail.com

Please be aware that all donations can be made anonymously. All data collected will only be used for the purposes of crowdfunding, and you may request to delete the data at any time. For any questions regarding your privacy, feel free to contact info@hkonscreen.org

請留意:你可以以匿名身份作出捐款。所有收集的資料只會用作眾籌之用,而我們亦隨時可以根據你的要求刪除所有個人資料。如果您對您的私隱有任何查詢,請電郵至 info@hkonscreen.org

Fundraising video: “Sad Cyclops“ by Podington Bear provided by Free Music Archive under Creative Commons
All photos by Kyle Brundige